Actuaries Act, Rules, Regulations & Procedure of Conducting Meetings

  • The Actuaries Act, 2006
  • The Actuaries (Nomination of Member to the Council) Rules, 2008
  • The Actuaries Quality Review Board (Procedure for Meetings, and the Terms and Conditions of Service and Allowances of the Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2008
  • The Actuaries Tribunal ( Salaries, Allowances of the Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2008
  • The Actuaries ( Election to the Council) Rules, 2008
  • The Actuaries (Procedure for Enquiry of Professional and Other Misconduct) Rules, 2008
  • The Institute of Actuaries of India (Maintenance of Register, Publication of List, and Re-entry of Names in Register of Members) Regulations, 2011
  • The Institute of Actuaries of India ( Transaction of Business at meetings of Council) Regulations, 2011
  • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Qualification of Actuary) Regulations, 2004
  • Procedure of conducting meeting of Committees and Advisory Group
  • Procedure of Conducting Annual General Meeting
  • Member in practice permitted to render other services as per clause (iii) of subsection 2 of Section 2 of Actuaries Act 2006 (Approved by the Council in its meeting dated 19.03.2016)
  • The Institute of Actuaries of India (Admission as Member and Issuance of Certificate of Practice) Regulations, 2017
  • Allowing Life Insurance/ Reinsurance and General Insurance/ Reinsurance COP holders to carry on actuarial practice for Re-insurance branch actuarial statutory work (Approved by the Council in its meeting dated 03.06.2017)
  • IAI Conditions of Service of Employees Regulation 2017
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